Saturday, January 3, 2009


i have triumphed! i have lived through my oldest turning 5 years old, and i have successfully toilet trained my baby! i have fought the good fight and came out victorious! (and all with my sanity in tact.) my two big boys are now on their way to bigger and better things. we are preparing for Rian's 3rd birthday in the spring with, thankfully, i won't have to take a break to change any dirty diapers! i now feel confident that i am a pro a toilet training. :) over confidence always brings more trials though, so i'll keep it in check. let me just tell you how nice it is to be diaper free. after changing diapers for 5 years straight now, 2 of those years were two little bottoms in diapers, it is very nice to have a break from all that and start helping them cultivate their ever so curious minds!